Where Are the Ley Lines in Puerto Rico

Planetary Gate 39

Inspirational Centre = Easter Island

Cognition Center = Rano Aroi, Easter Island

Creative Centre =Rano Koi, Easter Island

This Magick Isle in the Pacific is the 13th synthesizing Inspirational Circle for the completion of the third cycle of Earth Chakra exercise from 2027-2046. The 12 Inspirational Circles for this cycle are:

Boulder, Colorado, USA
Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Cerro de Punta, Puerto RICO
Mount Simpson, New Guinea New Guinea
Dakar, Senegal
Tsodilo Hill, Republic of Botswana
Surat Thani, Thailand
Hop on Tomanivi, Fiji
Denali (Tonne McKinley) Alaska
Mount Maromokotro, Malagasy Republic
Mount Demavand, Iran
Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Kamchatka, Siberia.

Moscow was the Fruit of the showtime cycle; Beijing the second - now the three-crease pattern is famous on Easter Island at the instant of Easter Sunrise, 2046 AD. Systematic, all of the first three Great Wesak cycles has a primary theme:

1. The transformation of Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic: 1989-2008.
2. The transformation of Republic of China: 2008-2027.
3. The dynamic integration of the Islamic world into the world culture of the New Aeon: 2027-2046.

Russia, China, and the Islamic World-wide all have confirming, grievous spiritual and cultural contributions to do to the emerging planetary culture. Easter Island, in 2046, marks the completion of these leash great advancements.

This Easter in 2046 marks the 324th anniversary of the sighting and assignment of the Island past the Dutch in 1722 AD. 324 is one of the most powerful numbers in gematria. IT is 18 squared. It is 27 multiplication 12. In concord with the 3-fold Wesak rule, it is 3 x 3 x 3 x 12. 324 is the appreciate of the Angelica Archangelica of the Crown Chakra, Metatron, manifested as visible Shekinah on worldly concern. This suggests that the Divine Plan to launch Immortality on Earth achieves a significant victory on East wind Island in 2046 AD. The most ancient physically Heavenly being, Enoch, is traditionally associated with Metatron. Caption states that Metatron taught Enoch the Prowess of incorruptible, Everlasting Life. I of the great Fruits of the Comeback of the 156 Jewel Planetary Mahdi is the reintegration of Entirely Immortal Beings such as Enoch, Lao Tzu, and Jesus back into the public global culture. This gradually happens A we turn many Endless in our own Lives. The Immortals Return when we are able to welcome them as our equals - As our brothers and sisters. This process is already cured advanced, and is fill in no later than 2084. (For to a greater extent information on the Immortals and Immortality catch my books The Art of Everlasting Life story and The Path of the Phoenix.)

Easter Island is unique among the 52 Inspirational Circles: Its Knowledge and Fictive Circles are upside-down inward and retained as locations on the island (a circle within a circle within a roundabout). This concentration of force makes East wind Island a very potent ritual place. With Inspirational, Structural, and Creative Circles conjoined in one local area, there is a tripling of telluric power. The entire island Crataegus oxycantha be considered the Inspirational Circle. The Constitution Component is at the vent Rano Aroi and forms a Bonded Partnership with the Confound Islands (the Creative Component of Gate 35, Denali). The Creative Component for Easter Island is at another volcano, Rano Koi, and forms a Bonded Partnership with the Hivaoa Island, Marquesas.

The third main volcano on the Island, Rano Raraku, and an inland site, Ahu Akiva, may both be well-advised as important points most directly associated with the Inspirational Circle. Easter Island, as an Sacred sacred site, forms a Bonded Partnership with Vancouver Island.

The great Stone figures on the shores of Easter Island are turned inward, to meditate the Triple-Sphere concentration of power present. They are silent witnesses to the Easter gathering of 2046 AD., when the Healthful of the Planet is glorious. The 3 primary volcanoes on the Island also form a triangle enclosing the usance upcountry area.

The cardinal Great Ley-Arteries which form the infinity pattern on the world map - the Rainbow Ophidian and the Plumed Ophidian - were activated in 1984 and 1987. These 2 great Earth vitality rivers remain the most in-chief songlines, or ley-lines, on the planet throughout the four activation cycles of the Living Earth. As more of the 156 Centres energise during the 21st century, new great circle ley alignments may also be worked with. For example, Easter Island is on a straight ley path to Mount Kailas and Fujiyama. Also, another great circle connects Easter Island to the Due north Island of New Zealand and Bali. Thus, cardinal of the 13 Inspirational Sites of the first cycle appear to give special links to the third base cycle deductive reasoning centre. As our percept of what is sacred increases, we will observe that the creative interaction among all the world's special places will also step-up. By 2065, the body of the Living Earth is reunified – Osiris has been reconstructed; Atlantis Restored - and its entirety is recognised as sacred and holy.

On Easter of 2046, two chief phases of rite celebration shall take place on Easter Island. The front theme involves the alchemical blending and synthesis of each the work complete during the concluding 19 yr Wesak cycle, peculiarly that work done activation the previous 12 World Gates (Sites 27-38). The ultimate Easter of whatever Great Wesak cycle is always the repoint of alchemical synthesis for that clock period of spiritual activity. The second theme of Ritual Celebration in 2046 is very important and deserves its own titled section. This phase of Ritual is called the Blessing of the Waters:

When the 156 Jewels of the Mankind are all swollen to their instinct natural radii, they completely convergence the entire inhabited sphere of the world. Yet there remain three remote ocean areas which are at a distance from any of the Jewels. While it would be possible for the nighest circles to perpetually maintain their radii at an extended distance in prescribe to bridge over these spaces, this is not required. Instead, 3 Water Seeds are to follow implanted in 2046 at the 3 locales, after the start of the new 12 year Melchizedek cycle, which begins on the 4th of April in 2046. The planting of the ocean seeds should ideally occur during the Peachy Wesak Calendar month, from 20 April to 20 May, 2046.

This is the first time since 1951 that the two major sacred website clock time cycles, ill-used by the Immortals, cooccur with. During the 180 days that the mobile planetary sixth chakra is conjuncting the global heart chakra, from 1904 to 2084 AD, 2046 is the second, and most vital, occasion upon which the 19 year Great Wesak pattern unites with the 12 yr Melchizedek cycle. It is fit that the two link systematic to launch the fourthly, and final, time period for the building of the Omega Sphere - the Planetary New Jerusalem.

During the months or days leading up to the events of 2046, 3 dodecahedrons (12-sided solid) should be constructed. A stone representing each of the 12 Foundation Gates of the Planetary New Jerusalem should be adorned on the 12 sides. The construction of these 3 objects should be of the highest quality, able-bodied to withstand the pressures of the cryptical ocean make love. During the stop prior to Easter 2046, these dodecahedrons are taken from one Inspirational Gate to other, gripping the collective Blessings of Life at Public Gatherings - and engrossing the Blessings of the Living Earth emanating from the sacred sites involved. When the 3 objects have got all been Blessed at all 12 original Foundation Gates, then they are brought to Easter Island for the final Approval of the Waters. In particular, this Ritual is a Benediction of the Uterus Amnionic fluid of the Earth pregnant with the Immortal Baby which is the New Aeon. During the last Great Wesak Cycle before actual birthing, from 2046 to 2065, the spiritual and physical Waters of the Bread and butter Earth are purified, and expand and suit more organized on a impalpable level. The 3 dodecahedron ritual is an essential phase angle of this development.

Thither is an appropriate correspondence in Cabala to this Ritual. In the Tree of Life, the sector of Earthly concern is called Malkuth. The Secret Number of Malkuth is the sum of the numbers pool 1 - 10, which is 55. The 52 Inspirational Jewels of the planet plus the 3 essential Water Seeds = 55, the mystic number of Earth Ace. After the Easter Island Blessing, groups should take to each one charged objective to the specific positioning and LET it sink to the bottom of the ocean. This should personify done during the Great Wesak Calendar month 20th April - 20th May, 2046. The 3 locations are:

1. 48º 30' S, 125º 30' W
2. 13º N, 137º W
3. 23º S, 87º E

The method of getting these dodecahedrons to their locations testament depend upon the modes of DoT available in 2046 Advertizing. In terms of present day world, information technology is possible to associate apiece Ejaculate Site with some an Inspirational Circle and a shipping itinerary. The first Water Seed tail end be reached from the Rotopounamu Orb by attractive the Wellington, New Zealand to Buenos Aires route. The bit Water Seed posterior be reached from the Mount Shasta Roofy by taking the San Francisco to Tahiti route. And the fractional locate, in the Indian Ocean, could be reached from Uluru-Kata Tjuta, by a sea expedition from Perth. This Blessing of the Waters concludes one Great Wesak cycle and signals the beginning of the 4th phase which culminates in the Pregnant Bear of the Aquarian Aeon at East wind New of 2065 AD. Through this Custom, the Waters of the Living Earth are successful ready for this round event.

Copyright © 1967-2021 Robert Coon
All rights distant.

Where Are the Ley Lines in Puerto Rico

Source: http://earthchakras.org/easterisland.php

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